ErgVideo how-to: using training plans

using ErgVideo training plans

ErgVideo comes packed with free training plans designed by qualified coaches, including Hunter Allen, Scott Moninger, and Paul Smeulders. Our traditional plans start with a library of ErgVideos. Our coaches designed custom sessions from the videos and scheduled them into progressive training sequences for different riders with riding goals. Built-into the plans are several daily options for different ErgVideos but equivalent training sessions. With your ErgVideo subscription and access to all videos, you can modify these plans to provide nearly infinite variety.

Our "new-style" plans work the other way around. We start with a progressive training sequence of free-mode workouts (so you can do a whole plan, using ErgVideo free mode, completely for free!). From there each workout is mapped to several different ErgVideo sessions. With your subscription to access all ErgVideo titles, you could do a whole 16 or 20 week plan and never ride the same session twice!


This page has instructional videos on how to use our plans, and how to configure them to select your daily workout. 


ErgVideo training plans


free training plans (quickie)

free "new-style" training plans (quickie)

free training plans (details)

free "new-style" training plans (details)

free traditional training plans

free traditional training plans


...and note that the "traditional training plan" video talks about needing some limited-number of ErgVideos to do the plans. With your subscription, you'll have access to all of the videos! Here's a shorter video on the traditional plans, assuming you are a subscription user.


free traditional plans (quickie)

"traditional" training plans (revised for subscriptions)


ErgVideo training plans

Here's a new seminar-style video that introduces the new training plans and describes how the free plans and free sessions map to ErgVideos using the TOE workouts scan. It contrasts the traditional ErgVideo plans with the new ones, and show how you make use of your ErgVideo library even when using the new free-mode plans.

Cool observation

Paul discusses "if you have the video in your library..." in this video. Well, now with your subscription, of course you do, you have them all!


seminar on new plans

"new-style" plans: how they work